For Claim Intimation / Claim registration:
Claim Registration:- 9801237717 & 9802336465
(Niraj Shakya, Saroj Kumar Singh & Amir Kumar Bista)

For Commercial Vehicle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9801237718 & 9802320819
(Siumal Kumar Shahi, Deepu Khadka & Ajay Banjade)

For Private Vehicle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9802320818
(Sunil Luhar & Babi Shree Rayamajhi)

For Motorcycle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9802320821
(Pabitra Nepal)

For Viber/Whatsapp & Fast Track Related Claim:
9801235128 (Only For Messages & Documents)
Covid - 19 Claim


Akash Bhat - 9802320830
Daruin Joshi - 9802336451
१ बीमालेखको प्रति
२ पूर्ण रुपले भरेको दावी फारम
३ होम आइसोलेसनमा बसेको खण्डमा स्थानीय निकायबाट प्रमाणित कागजात
४ अस्पताल र / वा क्वारेन्टिनमा बसेको खण्डमा डिस्चार्ज सिट
५ नेपाल सरकारको आधिकारिक परिचयपत्र जस्तै नागरिकताको प्रतिलिपि
६ पिसीआर रिपोर्टको सक्कल प्रति
७ उपचारको खण्डमा सो को बिल र / वा नगदी रसिदको सक्कल प्रतिहरु
  • Location - Head Office

    Shikhar Biz Centre,Thapathali,
  • Working Hours

    9:30-4:30pm (Sunday-Friday)
    9:30-3:00pm (Friday - for Branches)
  • Phone No.

    01-5346101 (Head Office)

What can you do using the Shikhar Smart Insurance?

What can you do using the Shikhar Smart Insurance?

Shikhar Smart Insurance - Insurance on the go is a chatbot by Shikhar Insurance. The chatbot is created to make our customer’s queries easily answered. You can assume Shikhar Smart Insurance as your virtual assistant who will answer your queries regarding insurance.
A bot is a software program that operates on the Internet and helps users navigate or understand complex information systems. Shikhar Smart Insurance also helps users to understand complex insurance products and get access to insurance - on the go.
Shikhar Smart Insurance is available in viber and Facebook messenger platform. You can scan the codes here to get started.
Anyone can access Shikhar Smart Insurance at any given time from anywhere around the world.
You just have to scan a QR code in your phone which is placed below. Try it now
Please visit our official page, ‘Shikhar Insurance Co. Ltd’ in facebook. You will see a button displaying message. Please click on the message button and you shall land in our chatbot. To get started, type ‘hello’. (Insert Screenshot of the page and messenger)
Shikhar Smart Insurance can answer almost everything you will require like our products, our contact numbers, your renewals etc. You can also buy insurance, initiate claims and request a call back.
Shikhar Insurance will try and call within 24 hours to help you with your queries.
You may have to upload your picture or any document in the chatbot according to the need.
Yes, the uploaded documents or queries are safe and confidential.
If your policy number for the insurance policy you are trying to enquire about is not with you at that time, you can ‘request a call’. We will get back. now
Yes. You can also purchase insurance by using our chatbot. To purchase, simply scan our QR code in viber and get in touch with us or contact us through our messenger.
Claim Intimation is a process where a policyholder intimates or informs about the forthcoming claim to their respective insurance company. You can now send us a claim initiation by using our chatbot in viber or messenger.