For Claim Intimation / Claim registration:
Claim Registration:- 9801237717 & 9802336465
(Niraj Shakya, Saroj Kumar Singh & Amir Kumar Bista)

For Commercial Vehicle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9801237718 & 9802320819
(Siumal Kumar Shahi, Deepu Khadka & Ajay Banjade)

For Private Vehicle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9802320818
(Sunil Luhar & Babi Shree Rayamajhi)

For Motorcycle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9802320821
(Pabitra Nepal)

For Viber/Whatsapp & Fast Track Related Claim:
9801235128 (Only For Messages & Documents)
Covid - 19 Claim


Akash Bhat - 9802320830
Daruin Joshi - 9802336451
१ बीमालेखको प्रति
२ पूर्ण रुपले भरेको दावी फारम
३ होम आइसोलेसनमा बसेको खण्डमा स्थानीय निकायबाट प्रमाणित कागजात
४ अस्पताल र / वा क्वारेन्टिनमा बसेको खण्डमा डिस्चार्ज सिट
५ नेपाल सरकारको आधिकारिक परिचयपत्र जस्तै नागरिकताको प्रतिलिपि
६ पिसीआर रिपोर्टको सक्कल प्रति
७ उपचारको खण्डमा सो को बिल र / वा नगदी रसिदको सक्कल प्रतिहरु
  • Location - Head Office

    Shikhar Biz Centre,Thapathali,
  • Working Hours

    9:30-4:30pm (Sunday-Friday)
    9:30-3:00pm (Friday - for Branches)
  • Phone No.

    01-5346101 (Head Office)

Contractors’ All Risk

Contactor's All Risk Insurance is a specially designed policy to protect the interest of the contractors and principal as well as the sub-contractor, Lender (Bank/Financial Institution) in respect of Civil Engineering projects like the construction of a building, road, bridge, dam, canal, tunnels, water supply, irrigation etc. This is an all risk policy covering every risk that is not especially excluded.

All such risks normally include:  

  1. Fire & Lightning and chemical explosion.
  2. Physical explosions.
  3. Accidental damage during construction e,g. Due to dropping of falling or, lack of skill, negligence, malicious act or human error.
  4. Water damage, Flood, Storm, Tempest, Inundation, Earthquake.
  5. Collapse, Collision, Impact.
  6. Subsidence, landslide, rockslide.
  7. Burglary.


Under this policy, Company will not indemnify the Insured in respect of loss, damage or liability directly or indirectly caused by or arising out of or aggravated by -

  1. War or warlike operations, civil commotion etc. 
  2. Willful act or willful negligence of the Insured or his representation.   
  3. Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination. 
  4. Loss discovered only at the time of taking an inventory. 
  5. Normal wear and tear, gradual deterioration due to atmosphere conditions or lack of use, rust. Loss or damage due to faulty design. 
  6. Loss due to cessation of work whether total or partial. 
  7. Loss to files, drawings, accounts, bills, currency, stamps, deeds, securities, cheques or packing materials. 
  8. Consequential loss of any kind or description whatsoever including penalties, losses due to delay, lack of performance, loss of contract.
  9. Loss for damage to vehicles licensed for general road use or waterborne vessels or aircraft.
  10. Loss or damage to construction plant, equipment and construction machinery due to electrical or mechanical breakdown, failure, breakage or derangement, freezing of coolant or other fluid, defective lubrication or lack of oil or coolant, but if as a consequence of such breakdown or derangement an accident occurs causing external damage, such consequential damage shall be identifiable.


In CAR, there are TWO TYPES of "excess" 

  1. Normal Excess applies to normal kinds of losses, such as those caused by fire, accidental damage, etc.
  2. Collapse/AOG Excess applies to losses caused by Collapse, Acts of God, such as Earthquake, Cyclone, etc.

Sum Insured

The sum insured should be the full value of contract works at the completion of construction inclusive of all materials, wages, freight, duties and taxes, construction costs and material/items supplied by the principal etc. This policy consists of two sections:

Section I – Material Damage

Project cost [construction cost]:

Increment in Project cost:

Construction Plant & Equipment's:

Clearance & Removal of Debris:

Surrounding property:

Other [Specify]:

Section II – Third Party Liability

Personal Injury - Any one person:

Personal Injury – Any one Event/Period:

Property Damage – Any one Event/Period:


Shikhar Insurance Company Ltd. started this policy on 17th November 2004.

Issued Date: 2004-11-17

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