For Claim Intimation / Claim registration:
Claim Registration:- 9801237717 & 9802336465
(Niraj Shakya, Saroj Kumar Singh & Amir Kumar Bista)

For Commercial Vehicle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9801237718 & 9802320819
(Siumal Kumar Shahi, Deepu Khadka & Ajay Banjade)

For Private Vehicle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9802320818
(Sunil Luhar & Babi Shree Rayamajhi)

For Motorcycle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9802320821
(Pabitra Nepal)

For Viber/Whatsapp & Fast Track Related Claim:
9801235128 (Only For Messages & Documents)
Covid - 19 Claim


Akash Bhat - 9802320830
Daruin Joshi - 9802336451
१ बीमालेखको प्रति
२ पूर्ण रुपले भरेको दावी फारम
३ होम आइसोलेसनमा बसेको खण्डमा स्थानीय निकायबाट प्रमाणित कागजात
४ अस्पताल र / वा क्वारेन्टिनमा बसेको खण्डमा डिस्चार्ज सिट
५ नेपाल सरकारको आधिकारिक परिचयपत्र जस्तै नागरिकताको प्रतिलिपि
६ पिसीआर रिपोर्टको सक्कल प्रति
७ उपचारको खण्डमा सो को बिल र / वा नगदी रसिदको सक्कल प्रतिहरु
  • Location - Head Office

    Shikhar Biz Centre,Thapathali,
  • Working Hours

    9:30-4:30pm (Sunday-Friday)
    9:30-3:00pm (Friday - for Branches)
  • Phone No.

    01-5346101 (Head Office)

Marine Transit

Marine Cargo Insurance is the insurance of goods in transit dispatched from and to any place and by means of sea, air, rail or road. During the transit, the cargo is exposed to various types of perils from the time it moves from the warehouse of the supplier until it is received at the final warehouse of the consignee. This insurance provides coverage against both imports and exports.


- Willful misconduct.

- Ordinary leakage, loss in weight or volume.

- Insufficiency or unsuitability of packing or preparation of Subject Matter.

- Inherent Vice or Nature of Subject Matter.

- Delay, even though caused by an insured peril.

- Insolvency/Financial default.

- Misuse or loss of carrier's receipt.

- War and warlike perils, Derelict mines/bombs.

- Nuclear Risks.

- Strike, Riot, Terrorism (additional cover).

- Capture by legal authority.

- Unseaworthiness or unfitness of Vessel (Ocean Going Vessel).

Shikhar Insurance Company Ltd. started this policy on 17th November 2004.

Issued Date: 2004-11-17

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